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(Videos are 2-10 min each)

 scroll down for videos #2 - #12

The Perception Model is a scientific explanation of how we, as humans, take information from the external world into our mind's internal world and put meaning on it then decide how we experience life.

In this series of 12 videos, we talk about the filters in our mind (conscious and subconscious) that external information gets processed thro
ugh before we have a response or reaction to our experiences. 

God, our Creator, has created our minds brilliantly ​imaginative and complex.

“…we have the mind of Christ.”
~ 1 Corinthians 2:16b

 scroll down for videos #3 - #12

“Make my joy complete by being of the
same mind, maintaining the same love,
united in spirit, intent on one purpose.”

~ Philippians 2:2


The Perception Model Pre-Study Workbook 

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